I liked your post which is related to the Multimedia principle for various reasons. You wonderfully explained the principles used by Dr Ray Pastore and why it is impossible to us all the principles. However, I also want to add my opinion on it. It is hard as every principle has its own objective and audience. Lastly, your screen video is good and your work on Quora. I will follow you on Quora in near future.
Your blog post thoroughly explained the importance of the lesson plan and your work in the H5P video with my Multiple choice question is also good. The use of an audio and guiding feature within the video offers a great viewing experience as well.
Learning Objects: Different Memorization skills that help learners to study better.
Lesson plan:
In this project, we want to introduce different memorization skills, there are three parts with three different multimedia objects used in each part.
In the first part of the lesson, we will put a link to a funny Twine story that relates to memorization skills. The purpose of the Twine story is to make learners feel immersed in the lesson first and get ready to know more about the memorization skills.
In the Second part, Zikai will use a screencast application to present a basic introduction of 7 memorization skills.
In the third part, there is a H5P video that illustrates different memorization tricks, and the learner will be asked to answer the questions in the video to help he/she understand the main concept better.
Learning outcomes:
-By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
The user will be able to explain what are different memorization skills(name, and basic concepts) in both part two and part three.
Be able to demonstrate memorization skill that was introduced in the lesson.
Be able to answer the interactive questions in the H5P video.
Evaluate different memorization skills, and find the best skill that helps them study.
In this project, we have three parts, in each part, we used different advanced skills learned in the course to educate learners on our topic.
In part one, we used Twine story as a start, the purpose is to let learners feel immersive and get interested to our topic. In this part, we used several multi media learning principles&theories.
-Personalization Principle. In our Twine story, we used conversational style, and we let readers to be the person who make choice, and we use the perspective of first person rather than third person when narrating. Therefore, readers will feel immersive when they reading the story.
-The second multimedia principle we have is the Temporal Contiguity principle, because we added many related figures in my story follow with the text, so that learners can imagine the picture of the story and they can learn best when corresponding words and visuals are presented together, instead of consecutive order.
In part two, we used Screencast to record the presentation of Zikai’s Powerpoint. In this part, we also used several multimedia learning principles&theories.
-Worked examples principle, in the presentation, we provided examples follow with the contents. To be specific, when we illustrating different memorization skills that could help study, we often provide the worked example with the skill we introduced.
-Multimedia principle, in the Powerpoint, we add related picture with the texts. Therefore, when Zikai introducing the skill, learners can understand him better with the related picture aside.
-Coherence principle. The reason why we decide to use screencast to record Zikai’s presentation is that in his slides, we can move all extraneous materials , which we don’t need. In our slides, we only leave the name of different skills and related pictures.
-Embodiment Principle. Even though Zikai as the speaker had his image on in the video, but we tried to remove it from the screen. Due to the technical issue, we just made a note besides the beginning of the part two.
In part three, we added an H5P video that provided by a professional Youtuber, we did some notes and some interactive questions, and make it into our H5P video. In this part we used several multimedia learning principles&theories.
-Feedback principle. In our H5P video, we add true/false questions and multiple choice questions to help learners understand the content better, and we give the feedbacks after they answered questions.
-Signalling principle. In our H5P video, we added some tips aside the important content. Leaners will notice the key information when the tip widows pop up.
In this part, I will be evaluating the Twine Story Multimedia Object which we created in the earlier part to understand the concept of converting the simple textual based story into an interactive story multimedia objects. Twine story is an open-source tool for creating and developing interactive stories. It requires no coding programming language experience and user can directly add anything to their stories. It helps in publishing the HTML for personal and individual purposes (Shibolet, Knoller and Koenitz, 2018). While in terms of the multimedia principles and learning theories, the Twine stories incorporate both the aspects simultaneously. For an instance, the Twine story helps in collaborating both the graphics and text on the same page which gives a better understanding and amplify the learning experience for the audience or students.
In terms of updating the previous version of the twine story. Earlier, the twine story was short and this time I added more passage to it. The multimedia principles which Twine story uses is the spatial contiguity principle which indicates towards keeping the words and pictures for learning better from the whole presentation (Friedhoff, 2013). It also follows the coherence principle maintaining the simplicity of the learning material and avoid the content from becoming dense or loud. Hence, in this way, the twine story can be both helpful for teachers and student in creating interactive stories from the simple text.
References :
Friedhoff, Jane. “Untangling Twine: A Platform Study.” DiGRA conference. 2013.
Shibolet, Yotam, Noam Knoller, and Hartmut Koenitz. “A framework for classifying and describing authoring tools for interactive digital narrative.” International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling. Springer, Cham, 2018.
In this part, I will be analyzing the HP5 multimedia interactive video on the understanding of multimedia learning principles and the learning theories related to it. The multimedia learning principles helps in providing the methods of amplifying the effects of the presentation content on the audience in different ways. There are many multimedia learning principles and it is impossible to include each and every one into a single multimedia content. As, different principle indicates to different kind of uses and manipulating the media content. For an instance, many principles focuses on the importance of narration with the words and video while some focuses on the collaboration of the text with narration while using images as well.
In the same way, the earlier H5P interactive multimedia video includes a single multiple-choice question embedded in the video. It aims towards helping in learning more and interacting with the media content in real-time. The integration of multiple choice question with images converts the simple video into multimedia objects. However, in this updated version of the HP5 video. There are two multiple-choice questions which are in the beginning and in the middle of the whole video. In this particular way, the presenter of the video can learn that whether the audience paying attention to the video and its content or not. In this multimedia object which is HP5 video, the signalling principle and redundancy principles are used which signifies the use of graphics and highlighting the on-screen text for better understanding. While in terms of the learning theories, the dual coding and cognitive theory apply to these multimedia objects. These learning theories and multimedia principles provide a better way to present the visual and audio content to achieve more attention from the audience.
The learning theories which related to the data visualization is the cognitive theory which indicates towards the two separate channel by which an audience or an individual approach to the content which are auditory and visual. In this way, the individual can process, filter and sort the information from the presentation. The data visualization which I mentioned here is related to the both visual and audio content for better understanding. Similarly, the dual coding theory signifies the same kind of learning approach where visual and audio channel are to be used simultaneously for better understanding of the content. It is also perceived the singular approach towards the learning methods always leads to less understanding. For an instance, if the presenter focus on only audio channel. The audience might felt is a lengthy and boring presentation as it become hard to grasp the content of it. In the same way, if the visuals are used for presenting the content. It will become hard to understand as visual can only be helpful in providing short content of information.
This leads us towards the multimedia learning principles which are used in the data visualization example i.e. H5P interactive video. The multimedia principles which are used in it are signaling principles and redundancy principles. In the signaling principles, the video highlights the essential material added in it by asking the multiple choices questions. While in the redundancy principles, the uses of the on screen text and graphics is clearly highlighted for the audience to learn better from graphics and audio within the video.
I enjoyed your post and read your deep analysis of the multimedia principles. Firstly, your research on the getbadnews game is amazing and the explanation that it uses so many multimedia principles. I also played this game and learned about the problem which fake news can create in the real world. Then, your sketching methods seem to be good in pictures. You did a lot of sketching including doubling word letters and images. Though, they can be clearer for better presentation. Last, your editing work is neat and clean on the EDCI 337 website portal. I enjoyed your post as well as your work.
I read your post and your efforts towards learning and using the interactive Twine story provides great results. Your understanding of the Twine story is good and you also discuss its great potential for students and teacher to convert dulling text into interactive media. Although, there can be improvement with your speech within the video. But, I can understand as it was your first time. The overall result is pretty good and surely interactive in terms of learning about multimedia software usage on the beginner level.
Question 1-: What was your Bad News score (take a screenshot)? Which multimedia learning principles does the game follow and not follow? How could you improve the game?
The Bad news game follows the spatial contiguity principle and segmenting principles from the multimedia learning principles in the majority(getbadnews).
While there are multimedia principles that the game doesn’t follow are related to the narration such as voice principles and modality principles.
Question 2-: Post a picture of your sketchnote you created and discuss which learning theories and multimedia learning principles relate to Sketchnoting and how.
The learning theories which related to the sketchnoting is dual coding theory. As it all about making a connection in terms of visuals.
The sketchnoting is based on the temporal contiguity principle which aims towards learning through corresponding words simultaneously.
Question 3-: Could Sketchnoting be helpful to you in your school work or in life in general? Why might it be helpful? How might it not be so helpful?
Yes, Sketchnoting is very helpful to me in school work or in life in general as it helps in understanding the context of whole textual message. Specifically, it allows me to use my creative thinking in saving time and noting down the important school notes or quick notes on a book. It generally becomes useful when highlighting important text or picture in a book. It might not be helpful in addressing the whole text or conveying a message which is long or lengthy.
Question 4-:What active learning methods are we using in EDCI 337?
In the course EDCI337, we are using various active learning methods such as collaborative virtual classroom, problem-solving with using data & Tools, Online discussion boards, Game-based learning and learning by teaching.
In this post, I will be reviewing one of my favourite TED Talk “Keep your goals to yourself by Derek Sivers” on the basis of multimedia principles, dual coding theory and cognitive load theory (Ted Talk, 2010). First, in terms of multimedia principles. The Ted talk used the redundancy principle for making the audience more engaging towards content by using graphics and narration simultaneously. Additionally, the video incorporates the personalization principles as the speaker uses the multimedia lesson with the conversational style in place for a formal approach towards the audience. In terms of dual coding theory, yes the TED talk used the Dual coding theory as it includes both visual and verbal information to present the information to the audience. The narrator or the speaker maintain the flow of verbal communication with the audience in a continuous manner while presenting the visual images for a better understanding of the content. Last, the cogitative load theory related to the memory load over the audience, the distribution of the whole information in a way that it doesn’t burden the audience with loads of information. In my opinion, the speaker maintains the information load by distributing the whole content or information in different form including images and verbal talk.
Ted Talk. (2010, September 02). Keep your goals to yourself | Derek Sivers. Retrieved from YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHopJHSlVo4
List and briefly discuss at least two multimedia principles that directly relate to your interactive Twine story?
The two multimedia principles which can be directly related to your interactive story are signalling principles and the personalization principle. The signalling principle focuses on the learning aspect in which the essential material highlighted. It is similar to the interactive twine story where the presenter signals or highlights the story aspect to guide the audience in better ways. Second, the personalization principle where the learning aspect develops into the multimedia learning model and the formal style converted to the conversational style. Similarly, in explaining the interactive twine story the formal style can be converted to the conversational aspect.
Discuss one way you could use a Twine story for educational or instructional purposes?
The Twine story can be useful for educational purposes as it allows the students and teachers to create an interactive journey from their respective story. With the option of understanding the basics of coding one can create interactive fiction and shape the story. It is an open-source free tools that let the students use and create their stories in the following of multiple web pages. For educational purposes, digital storytelling can deepen the understanding of the topic as it accommodates multimedia learning.
Ohler, Jason. “The world of digital storytelling.” Educational leadership 63.4 (2006): 44-47.
Rizvic, Selma, et al. “Interactive digital storytelling: bringing cultural heritage in a classroom.” Journal of Computers in Education 6.1 (2019): 143-166.
Tytler, S. (2017). ‘TwitFic’, Twine, and Student-Centred Learning: Combining Creativity and Coding in the Classroom. Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance, 21-34.
Evaluate the H5P interactive video you created last week using the SAMR or SECTIONS frameworks?
In order to evaluate the H5P interactive video, I will be using S.A.M.R Framework. In this framework, S stands for Substitution, A stands for Augmentation, M for Modification and R for redefinition (Netolicka, Jan, and Ivana Simonova). In my H5P video, the substitution occurred when the teaching methods of multimedia principle explained with the help of interactive video rather than slides or text-based content. In Augmentation, the multiple-choice question is embedded which enhanced the student experience in learning about the topic. While in modification, we tried to collect the student response from the video itself for noting their attention to the video content. Last, the redefinition which shows in the video that learning about the topic completely changes by using interactive video and embedding the multiple-choice questions. It provides a completely different experience to the student by using H5P interactive video.
Explain why you chose the evaluation framework you used?
I selected the SAMR framework for the evaluation of my H5P interactive video as this framework can help the educators in understanding the role of technology in enhancing and transforming the traditional learning methods. In this way, this framework also helps me in understanding the role of H5P interactive video I supporting learning.
List and briefly discuss at least two multimedia principles that directly relate to the interactive H5P video you created last week?
The two multimedia principles that directly related to my H5P video are the signalling and segmentation principles (Mayer). In Signaling, the interactive video signal towards a piece of information. Just like, multiple-choice questions do with logo on screen of the video. While in segmentation, the information is presented in pieces by dividing the whole video into a few multiple choice question in the video. Hence, these two multimedia principle most connected to the H5P interactive video.
Netolicka, Jan, and Ivana Simonova. “SAMR model and bloom’s digital taxonomy applied in blended learning/teaching of general English and ESP.” 2017 International Symposium on Educational Technology (ISET). IEEE, 2017
Mayer, Richard E. “Using multimedia for e‐learning.” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 33.5 (2017): 403-423.
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